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Things to know before buying a web hosting?

There are many brands and hosting providers on the web, But whom to choose, Who are authentic and whom should i believe?

Well. to know the answer, You should have knowledge on what you really need!

Are you a Blogger, Who is looking to host is new Blog?


you are an E-commerce who is looking to set up a business online?

Well, Whoever you are, you must be looking for quality service and great support to setup your website online.

What specifications to see while buying the web hosting?

Well, The 7 specification which you should see before buying a hosting are

  1. Server UpTime
  2. Server Speed
  3. Availability
  4. Navigation
  5. Common software
  6. The Hardware
  7. Support

Server UpTime:

This is the time in which your website is running. It is represented in percentage(%). Most of the hosting providers claim that they have 99.99% uptime. But they don’t, and you should not believe them.

Server Speed:

The server speed matter, if the server which you going to buy is of low quality and bad configuration, then there is no use. It’s better to choose a better hosting.

Server speed also depends on the storage hardware, in which they store your information and run your services. Well, As the whole market adopting SSD, You should not lean back with HHD(Harddisks).

Choosing SSD has another advantage and you are indirectly supporting nature to save trees and electricity by saving power. Using reliable processors and hardware adds up another power to your site to keep standing even in more traffic.


What will happen when you have hosted your site in the USA and your visitors are from India. Well, You might feel okay with it but visitors and Google don’t. Google gives more priority to fast loading pages that the slow and messy pages.

Hence, availability of the web hosting servers at different Geo location in the world is a positive point you should care.

You can make your site faster if it is located in the country or near to the country you are targeting your customers. Doing this your google ranking will improve.


Navigation is important for you if you are newbie, See this Which one do you like?

Which one do you like?

Command Vs GUI
SRC b4.bp

A bunch of commands or The (GUI)Graphical User Interface, I’m 99% sure you will choose the GUI because it’s easy to learn and use.

Common software

If you are a newbie and don’t know how to install WordPress, Joomla, and other similar frameworks then, it is important for you to choose a hosting which has all these software in it. Which can be installed in a few clicks.

Some of the common software used are: Joomla, WordPress, Wiki, Appkart and etc.

The Hardware :

Well, Most of the company represents that they use Reliable servers but do not Expose the clarity on it.

What hosting companies are really using either HDD or SSD, Intel or and local brand.

Well, for a while, taking these things seriously may look like fun, but it’s not.

Because You are the customer, You are paying $$$ or maybe more for the service they are offering. You should have the provision to know about the products they offering and the hardware they are using.


What will happen when you are not able to setup your site or you website went down for no reason. Whom you will contact, the guy sitting in the office working for another company and has started web hosting as a part time business. No, You cannot

A Big Noooo, right! yes, the customer care support matters and it should be the one who understands you. It should not be an alien, whom you try to talk in English and he responds in Vietnamese.

Whom should I trust and buy hosting to host my site?

Well, the one who has all the capability, Hardware, and support we have mentioned above. We recommend going for HostGator VPS which has all the features + Few more things which are Separate HDD, Separate SSD, Affordable, and available at multiple locations.

The best part of power up hosting it has got super fast speed which is achieved by an awesome team of powerup hosting and using SSD technology to store the data.

The another thing about power up hosting is they use environment-friendly systems which uses less electricity to run the whole system.

Also Read:  5 Pro Tips to buy USB Flash Drives Online

Rana Jayant is a Tech Enthusiast, avid reader, and loves to talk business. TECH10MENT was his 1st professional tech magazine started in 2015. His professional blogging experience serves thousands of visitors every day on the food, travel, and other tech sites.


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