Learning never ends but you should always save time and cut the curve while learning things by gaining right and deep knowledge.
There are thousands of websites claiming to teach coding by charging some amount and of course free as well.
But the question is, Are you able to learn from them?
Are you able to write error-free optimised code?
Are they giving relevant explains while explaining the process OR just with car and books.
We listed some of the resources which we trust and recommend to the learners and you should look at them too.

Codecademy is a great resource to learn almost anything about coding online, the very good feature of codecademy is it makes you learn program interactively. Code Academy offers various programming languages like HTML and CSS, JavaScript, python, Ruby, Java and many many many other programming languages and by which you can learn to programme for FREE.
#2 (Google Developers) HTML5 Rocks
Google Developers (Former: HTML5 Rocks) Is a project by Google And it is open source. It was started in 2010. It has the latest version of HTML5 and the study content and material is written in form of articles. The article contains images and videos with the help of which will be able to learn the things easily and this feature will make you to learn to code like a pro.
#3 MIT OpenCourseWare
you must have had MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. now you must be knowing that out of it is to get admission in this college but don’t be surprised when I say that accessing the resources is very easy. All the coding books, videos, assignments are free for you and you can access them even without any account. These sites have made their study material for people like you to learn to programme for FREE.
#4 Free Code Camp
Free Code Camp has a recording of coding material with the curriculum of almost 800 hours. It also allows you to get hands-on experience working on an open source project without any charges. That will make you to learn to code like a pro. The topic which you can find your HTML CSS JavaScript databases development tools node.js and Angular JS.
#5 edX
EDX is an open source education program by MIT and Harvard. this allows you to learn languages like Java C# python And a bunch of other programming languages. The advantage to learning on this site is that the materials from the world-class colleges and institutes will be freely accessed.
Very good platform to get Most of the programming skills in small examples. The material can be downloaded for free in PDF format. By the help of Javapoint.com, you not only able to learn programming but also the content management system like WordPress and data management system like SQL. Java point also tries now feature(Online compiler) which allows you to test the programs with you learn just in one click.
#7 Codewars
codewars offer a very fun way to learn to program. IT offers the language in a medium in which martial art is taught. New level and the challenges based on name KATA. KATA is something like you have to complete the level to get to the next level. The languages taught here are more advanced than the other site. It has some advanced languages like coffeescript Haskell clojure and also the common programming languages like JAVA, Python. That will generate interest to learn to code like a pro and even to learn to programme for FREE.
#8 Udacity
This website offers you individual courses various nanodegrees. Training for specific Carriers like back end developer data analyst front end developer and many other. here for the serial is totally free by Manna degrees required from tuition fee. They teach about advanced Technology like virtual reality, iPhone, data science and produces advance Tech developers. BY learning on Udacity you can make yourself work for top companies like facebook, google, oculus and much more.
#9 Hack.pledge()
Now, Hack.pledge() website is a community of developers, and she was the recognizable profiles are the inventor of BitTorrent. BitTorrent is an application for downloading and surfing torrent network files. Learning to code at this website will make a good chance to become a good developer because you’ll be under the guidance of leading developers in the world.
All the above resources are suggested by top-level programmers working for Google, Microsoft and top MNC companies. Don’t wait for anyone to put you learn to programme for FREE, just start it. I hope you enjoyed the article and learned something new.